Reply to Jackson






 私の近刊『チビクロさんぽ(英語タイトルは"The Story of Little Black taking a Walk."とでもなるでしょうか?)』出版への抗議のお手紙として受け取りました。


 人種差別主義、性差別主義、自己中心主義などは私たちの惑星を悩まし続ける問題 ですが、こうした問題の撲滅のために、世界中の人々がお互いに理解し合うことが必要だと思います。


守 一雄


January 14, 1998

Mr. Jackson

Dear Mr. Jackson:

Thank you for your letter of November 24, 1997, which was passed to me via The Association to Stop Racism Against Blacks The US Office and Kitaooji Shobo, Japan.

I acknowledge your letter as a protest to the publication of my new book, "Chibikuro Sampo", (The English title would be "The Story of Little Black Taking a Walk.")

"Chibikuro Sampo" is a non-racist version of Bannerman's "The Story of Little Black Sambo" intended to eliminate racist characterizations. It is not a story of a black boy, nor a boy of any race, but a story of a black dog. It is also free from any pejorative word, such as Sambo, to which the word "sampo", meaning "taking a walk" in Japanese, only happens to be quite similar. If you would find any racist character still remaining in it, I would appreciate receiving your concrete advice about it. I would be happy to make further corrections.

As you stated, racism, sexism, egotism and all of the others will plague our planet until we realize that we share the world with one another. It is necessary to have mutual understanding among peoples all over the world.

Sincerely yours,

"Marimo Mori"
Kazuo Mori, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Shinshu University

P.S. Judging from your letter, it seems that you may have been misinformed about my book. It would be appreciated very much, if you would tell me where and how you were informed about this book.
Also, please accept my open debate policy to put all the questions and answers to be disclosed on my homepage (URL= and so on. According to this policy, your letter was posted on my homepage without your previous notification. Thank you.
