Reply to Washington


株式会社 北大路書房
603 京都市北区紫野十二坊町12-8


******** ワシントン博士


 ********** 大学学生の手紙を回送下さいましてありがとうございました。小社の『チビクロさんぽ(英語タイトルは The Story of Little Black Taking a Walk.とでもなるでしょうか?)』出版への抗議のお手紙として受け取りました。



小社は議論を公開する方針をとっています。そこで、いただいたお手紙は著者のホームページ(http: //などで、小社の回答とあわせて公開させていただこうと考えております。この点につきまして、貴会のご了承をお願い申し上げます。



                                     社長 丸山一夫

Kitaoji Shobo, Co. Ltd
12-8 Junibou-cho Murasakino
Kita-Ku, Kyoto-Shi 603

                           January 29, 1998

Dr. ******* Washington
The Association To Stop Racism Against Blacks
The United States Office

Dear Dr. ******* Washington:

  Thank you for passing along the letters written by students of ********* University. We acknowledge their letters as a protest to the publication of our new book,Chibikuro Sampo, (The English title would be The Story of Little Black Taking a Walk.)

  Chibikuro Sampo is a non-racist version of Bannerman's The Story of Little Black Sambo intended to eliminate racist characterizations. It is not a story of a black boy, nor a boy of any race, but a story of a black dog. It is also free from any pejorative word, such as Sambo, to which the word sampo, meaning taking a walk in Japanese, only happens to be quite similar. However, if any of you, yourself, or your students find any racist characterizations remaining in it, we would appreciate receiving your concrete advice about it. We would be happy to make further corrections.

  Judging from their letters, it seems that you and your students may have been misinformed about our book. It would be appreciated very much, if you would tell us where and how you were informed about this book.

  We have an open debate policy concerning this publication. Therefore, we would ask your permission to disclose your letters on the author's homepage (URL= and elsewhere along withour responses.

  Thank you for your interest and concern about this publication.

                         Sincerely yours,

                           Kazuo Maruyama
