International Roundtable on Memory

How to Overcome the "Barriers" to the International Academic Societies: Advice for Japanese Scholars

Supported by the Joint Research Grant 2019 from the Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan and Matsumoto University for a cooperative research with Aichi University



1. Venue: Room 841 (4F in Building#8), Matsumoto University

2. Date: Sunday October 13th, 2019

3. Invited Speakers

4. Organizer

5. Program

  • Workshop
       10:00-12:00 How to break the international barriers
    Instructors: M. Garry (Waikato University) and K. Mori (Matsumoto University)
  • Symposium
    Chair: K. Mori (Matsumoto University)
       14:00- Welcome Greetings
       14:10- H. Ito (Aichi University)(Withdrawn):
    The effect of automatic imitation in serial movements with different effectors.
    ——This study examined the effect of automatic imitation using the observation-execution of sequential movements with different effectors (hand and foot). Participants were asked to observe the movements of a model and execute a compatible (similar) action or incompatible (different) action. We calculated the delay to onset of the participants’ initial hand or foot movements (reaction time). The results revealed that reaction time under the compatible condition was faster than that under the incompatible condition both in the hand and foot conditions. These results suggest that the automatic imitation effect can be obtained in a natural context using sequential actions with different effectors that require the memory of a motion profile.
       14:10- Y. Fukushima (Nihon University):
    Does post-identification feedback affect eyewitness’ behaviour?
    ——Eyewitness can be affected by an interviewer conducting the identification procedure. When the interviewer gives them feedback that implies that the identification was correct the witness’s judgement on their memory can be inflated. This phenomenon is called post-identification feedback effect (PIFE). Although enormous studies have explored this effect, it is not clear if these inflated judgments will alter eyewitness actual behaviour. In this study, we explored whether people who received positive feedback were more likely to provide a recorded testimony as evidence for an ongoing trial.
       14:35- K. Wade (University of Warwick, UK):
    Memory distortions in high-stakes commercial disputes.
    ——Eyewitness memory research shows that ordinary people often fail to remember a criminal event correctly. Then, we examined the relevance of this research for commercial disputes. To address these concerns, we asked 316 adults working across a variety of industry roles to read documents related to a business dispute. We also asked some to imagine working for one of the companies in the debate. When these “company employees” encountered misinformation, they were prone to memory distortions that advanced their own company’s case. Also, the relationship between their confidence and memory accuracy was poor.
       14:50- Short Break
       15:05- T. Fujiwara (Matsumoto University):
    How the Japanese language differs from the European languages: The hardest barrier for Japanese scholars. (Tentative title)
    ——(Abstract to be submitted)
       15:30- S. Cadavid (Universidad del Rosario, Colombia):
    Go for it! – Mastering communication skills to overcome international barriers.
    ——Young researchers are getting more and more involved in interdisciplinary, multi-institutional and international collaborative projects. These projects are often funded by external agencies and have to be shared with non-expert audiences. In this context, pursuing a career in science is not only about discipline-specific training anymore. Instead, young researchers have to make sure they also develop skills to communicate effectively (in a non-native language) with their colleagues (who can come from different geographic and academic backgrounds). Overcoming international barriers will be presented as a demanding but achievable communication goal.
       16:00- M. Garry (The University of Wakaito, New Zealand): Discussant
       16:20- General Discussion
       17:00- Closing Remarks

  • Reception  
       17:30-19:30 (Shoka, Niimura, Matsumoto)
  • Post-Reception Party  
       19:45-21:30 (Irish Pub Celts, Matsumoto)
    Public Viewing the RWC game Japan vs. Scotland
  • 6.Registration

    • The registration fees for presenters.
      • Professionals: 12,000 Yen
      • Students: 4,000 Yen
    • The registration fee for participants. Free.
    • The registration fees should be transferred to the following Japan Post Account: IROM Jikko Iinkai 00150-9-485969
      or, the PayPal Account: SARMACJapan

    For further information, send inquiry to Kaz Mori.